San Francisco Mission Trip

Written by Zanele Malaba

The South San Francisco SDA Church family worships in a historic building of massive architectural grandeur. Built in 1930, the Church notably survived the November 27, 1946 earthquake that shook San Francisco and laid other buildings to rubble and waste. While the Church has remained unmoved even by unprecedented shakings, the building was showing evidence of trials endured with cracks and large paint chipping in several places.

A few months prior, the local Pastor of the South San Francisco SDA Church had contacted Build and Restore founder Ostap to solicit his assistance with the Church’s exterior restorative work of which the building was in much need of. September 9th, 2019 was decided upon as the date that the mission project would begin. Little did they know just how the Lord would use this as another faith building “Ebenezer” experience (1 Samuel 7:12).

The clouds of uncertainty began looming over the missionaries when the weatherman forecasted rain to downpour on the day of the mission to restore the South San Francisco SDA Church. This dampened the spirits of all as the outlook meant that any outdoor paint work could not be done as the paint would most certainly end up as messy rain puddles on the side walk. The volunteers had already scheduled time off work and now faced critical decisions as to how to move forward.

It must have been that the Holy Spirit who whispered scriptures learned during sunny days that stirred up wellsprings of faith and confidence in the hearts and minds. Per adventure Hebrews 11:6 came to mind which declares, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (NKJV) as a decision was soon made to move forward in faith to the mission post.

Upon arrival at the South San Francisco SDA Church, the volunteer team began taping off the windows, scraping away old paint and covering the ground around the building. Overcast skies with large, gloomy clouds seemed to mock their efforts and the group would find itself assembling yet again in humble petition to God to allow the mission project to proceed without the threat of rain. Then suddenly at approximately 11am there was a break in the sky as the clouds departed. The chill of the air still stung the volunteers as they labored and yet again without expectation, the sun shone through and began to warm up the day. Courage, jubilation and vigor enthused the spirits of each one present and they rejoiced at the evidences of God’s presence and His incredible direct answer to their prayers!

The Lord had been rendering glimpses of His providential leading in this work of restoring the South San Francisco SDA Church all along the way as at about 10am, before the miraculous departure of the clouds and appearance of the sun, 3 men arrived at the Church who happened to be professional painters. These 3 men, like the volunteer team present had come from another city and are members of another SDA Church in their city of residence. The South San Francisco SDA Church Pastor had met these men a few months prior and mentioned to them the work that would be taking place to repaint and restore the Church. These 3 painters had also seen the rainy weather forecast and had chosen to also move forward in faith under the convictions of the Holy Spirit. They were delighted to find that they had not been alone in this faith action when they saw the other volunteers present. Truly as we trust and obey, we encourage each other to press forward as together we tread the path toward our Heavenly home!

Through the 3 painters, the Lord provided experienced workmen who brought their own ladders as well as scaffolding and where skilled to brave the tall heights of the Church that needed painting. The Church also received a discount in purchase price for the paint. The average cost of a bucket of paint is $180 and yet each bucket was sold to the Church for $35. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, and oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Following a scrumptious dinner prepared by some of the volunteers, all the equipment was cleared, ladders folded, tape removed from the windows and tools as well as supplies placed in the van. By 7:30pm all the volunteers were driving home. God had accomplished the work through the volunteers in a day versus the 2 days that the mission trip was initially projected to last. It was clear to all that God had done great things among them that day.

Soon after the drive home began, trickle and drizzle of rain could be seen falling from the skies. By that time all the paint had dried up and the group in the van chuckled as all knew that it was the Lord humoring them. Together heaven and earth rejoiced in laughter.

The Lord provided a Gideon experience at South San Francisco SDA Church where a great work was accomplished by the few and yet evidences of the Lord’s presence and provision were unmistakable and awesome. All reading this account are invited to “Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8 NKJV)


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