Invitation Hill Academy Mission Trip

Written by Zanele Malaba

The call from Janna Wright came to Build and Restore founder Ostap with a request for him to conduct a week of prayer at the Invitation Hill Academy. With the winter months fast approaching on the horizon, it was decided that the mission would take place during the second week of October. The North Dakota region where Invitation Hill Academy is located experiences a frigid winter chill and thus it was expedient to conduct the mission prior to the temperatures plummeting.

During the week of prayer, the spiritual as well as the physical capabilities were sharpened as the students not only delved into a deeper understanding of the scriptures, but also participated in a hands on activity to build kid-sized benches that also function as a stepping stool. Sacred impressions of our Savior Jesus Christ were made in the minds of the student builders as Ostap shared how Jesus was a carpenter who created beautiful furniture pieces that decorated numerous homes. As the students chiseled and drove the nails in the wood, with some possibly enduring the discomfort of splinters piercing the skin, they were brought into practical relation with their Lord as Hebrews 4:15 NIV so aptly describes “..we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses…”

Ostap went on to share with the children at Invitation Hill Academy captivating mission stories that Build and Restore International has been blessed to be a part of. Encounters of the gospel mission adventures erupted from scenic Ecuador, to the breathtaking sights of nature in South Africa and the warm hospitality of Mexico. As the students’ imaginations were engaged they began inquiring in amazement about the various countries and the work accomplished there. Yet again the Lord allowed the Great commission to be brought to focal view in the minds as all are called to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit….” (Matthew 28:18-19 NKJV).

Seeking for and cultivating a heart of gratitude was a foundational lesson that was taught to the students as pictures of fellow student peers in Thailand were shown. Those particular Thai children learn in a school shelter that is a bamboo hut structure and sadly due to the consequences of poverty, have a limited supply of food which often leaves them hungry and in want. In comparison, the students at Invitation Hill Academy were led to contemplate the rich blessings that the Lord has showered upon them through the provisions of a well-built school as well as the abundance of a variety of good food.

The concepts of sharing with those less fortunate were sown and watered as one day after lunch the students went out in their community to drop off bags that contained grocery list items that were being requested for a Thanksgiving food drive. In so doing, the students were yet again experiencing a teaching blend of theory and practice to the concepts they were learning.

The Sabbath brought an opportunity for Ostap to share a message with the Invitation Hill SDA Church members. Many of the members are parents, guardians and kin to the children at Invitation Hill Academy. The Church members were eager to gain tools and wisdom on how to share the love of Jesus with their community so as to further the work of the gospel. Messages on discipleship and friendship evangelism were shared.

The members gladly took instruction on how to format questionnaires for the purposes of obtaining information that establishes the communal needs and how to implement programs that meet those specific needs such as parenting seminars, financial management, alcoholic anonymous classes to name a few.

The members were also encouraged to take a spiritual gifts inventory of their congregation as the Lord has blessed them with the specific gifts and talents that will be used to further the work of evangelism and expand their sphere of influence in the community.

The work Build and Restore International continues to carry out is diverse and incredibly rewarding as they continue to bring the message of salvation both near and far, wherever the Lord sends. Each one is called to reach one and as the Lord calls, so He qualifies. May we all be encouraged to labor in the fields that God has assigned each one to.

Reach out to Build and Restore International at should you like to have them come and conduct a week of prayer at your school. As He has done before and continues to do at present, we are assured the Lord will bless all efforts made to the honor and glory of His great name! Amen.


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